Integrity Line Verum

This line is a safe and independent channel for you to report possible illegal, or suspected illegal, actions and violations of Verum’s Code of Ethical Conduct or the applicable legislation, contributing to the prevention of undue and illegal conduct.

The Integrity Line provides a safe and secret reporting process and offers the whistleblower the possibility of reporting anonymously.

How it works?

The Integrity Line is a safe, independent and exclusive whistleblowing channel for you to report possible illegal, or suspected illegal, actions and violations of Verum’s Code of Ethical Conduct or the applicable legislation, as well as the existence of inappropriate and unethical conduct that may affect Verum’s image, impact financial results, relationships with partners and Verum's environment.

Reports are made through an independent and specialized company, named Ouvidor Digital, providing a safe and secret reporting process, and offering the whistleblower the possibility of reporting anonymously.

Reports are, then, treated by the members of Verum Integrity Committee.

To report, please click on the "REPORT ONLINE" or "REPORT ON WHATSAPP" button.

If you prefer to report via Whatsapp and are asked to use the code verum_en

If you wish to register a question, suggestion, complaint or compliment, the appropriate channel is “Fale Conosco Verum”. To access it, click here or send an email to

We appreciate your initiative and trust on us.

logo ouvidor digital

Who is Ouvidor Digital?

Ouvidor Digital is a solution to detect cases of violation of ethical conduct or non-compliance with legislation, which may affect your company's financial result, reputation and work environment.